Jul 17, 2016

 Let's see 'comparing yourself with others' from two different way:

(+) Plus:

1. Dengan membandingkan diri dengan orang lain kita jadi tau apa kekurangan dan kelebihan kita.

2. Kita jadi lebih bersemangat untuk membenahi diri untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.

3. Lebih menghargai diri sendiri.

(-) Minus:

1. Dengan membandingkan diri dengan orang lain kita jadi rendah diri. Misal, kita merasa kalau A lebih baik dari kita di bidang melukis dan dominan di kelas, kita jadi rendah diri dan percaya kalau kita tidak akan bisa melukis sebaik dia. Kita terlalu fokus pada ketidakmampuan kita, padahal kalau mau melihat lebih ke dalam diri kita, kita mungkin memiliki talenta dan bakat di hal lainnya. Seringkali, kita terlalu sibuk mencari 'keluar' tanpa mencari ke 'dalam' diri lebih dahulu. Got it? :)

2. Lain dengan rendah diri, terkadang terlalu membandingkan diri dengan orang lain justru membuat kita berusaha menjatuhkan orang lain dengan menjelek-jelekkan talentanya hanya untuk membesarkan hati kita kalau kita lebih baik. Biasanya dalam hal ini, jauh di dalam hati kecil kita tau kalau orang itu mungkin lebih berbakat, namun kita enggan mengakuinya karena kita tidak mau kalah darinya.

3. Kita jadi terlalu meng-copy paste kegiatan atau apapun hal yang dilakukan orang yang kita banding-bandingkan dengan diri kita karena kita percaya itulah yang seharusnya kita lakukan agar terlihat lebih baik.

4. If you are too busy comparing yourself (whether your strength or your weakness) with others, somehow you will find yourself lost in your way and at the end, you will give up your happiness.

Sebelumnya saya mau cerita sedikit, saya sempat ikut seminar nasional di kampus Udayana beberapa waktu yang lalu. Waktu itu pembicaranya Deva Mahenra, dan dia bilang begini: 'Bandingkan diri kita sekarang dengan diri kita yang dulu,' dan kata-kata itu terngiang di kepala saya tiap kali saya merasa lost and down.

Lihatlah jauh ke belakang untuk melihat seberapa jauh kita sudah melangkah dari garis start. Lihat sudah berapa banyak pencapaian yang kita raih and be grateful for it. Kalau kita rasa perjalanan kita masih jauh, jangan ragu untuk melangkahkan kaki agar kita bisa mencapai apa yang kita impikan.
Jujur, dengan cara ini, saya jadi lebih sering mensyukuri apa yang saya miliki sekarang, entah itu pengalaman hidup, atau pencapaian-pencapaian yang sejauh ini sudah saya lalui. :)

Kalau ujung-ujungnya kita masih terlalu sering (baca: kelewatan) membandingkan diri dengan orang lain, ingat deh, kita dan mereka tidak mengalami perjalanan hidup yang sama. Kita dan mereka mengalami pengalaman dan pelajaran hidup yang berbeda pula. Sometimes, what works for them, not works for us.  Don't force yourself being someone else that don't suit yourself.

Saya tidak bilang kalau 'comparing yourself with others' itu sepenuhnya buruk. Itu semua kembali pada bagaimana cara kita menyikapinya. Kalau membandingkan diri dengan orang lain justru bikin kita lebih semangat membangun diri, I think it's still okay.. :)

Whatever, just be happy with yourself. Be grateful with your life: about the way you think even sometimes you think that you are weird; be grateful for yourself, your parent, your family, your friends, your lover, your pets; your whole and entire life, everything that makes you today. Be thankful even for a small thing, like every breath you take or every minute you spend. You can make a list about everything that you have, be grateful and thankful for it. Believe me, it's makes your soul feel rich and full of joy..  :)

At least, don't forget to be happy. :)

Good night people.. xoxo

Jul 11, 2016

For sure, lagu-lagu soundtrack kartun disney selalu bisa bikin saya merinding. Banyak sekali lagu disney yang memberikan kesan untuk saya, salah satunya lagu "Colors of The Wind" soundtrack dari Pocahontas (1995). Menurut saya lagu ini memiliki makna yang sangat dalam. Wikipedia says: 'The song poetically presents the Native American viewpoint that the earth is a living entity where humankind is connected to everything in nature'. I love this song so much. I often found myself humming this song.

 Colors of The Wind

Ini bait lagu yang paling saya suka dari lagu ini karena menurut saya, bait lagu ini memiliki arti yang sangat dalam dan sangat menyentuh, and it makes me goosebumps every time I hear this lyric:

'You think you own whatever land you land on
The earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew'

Do you like this song too? :)

Jul 7, 2016

" Rainy day + a cup of tea or coffee + good book + nice song + nice place = Perfection. "

Here I write down my other rainy day songs. Let me know if you have other songs that you love to hear when rainy day comes, maybe I can add it to my playlist too :)

1. Shinee - Replay
2. Shinee - Quasimodo
3. Shinee - Hello
4. S.M. The Ballad - 너무그리워 
5. Super Junior - No Other
6. Super Junior - It's You
7. King of Convenience - Mrs. Cold
8. King of Convenience - Misread
9. Mikky Ekko - Pull Me Down
10. Raisa - LDR
11. Rihanna - Kiss It Better
12. James Bay - Let It Go
13. Bread - Baby I'm A Want You
14. Bread - Make It With You
15. Bread - Diary
16. Bread - Everything I Own
17. Bread - It Don't Matter To Me
18. Bread - If
19. Frank Sinatra - I Won't Dance
20. Keane - Somewhere Only We Know 
21. Frankie Valli and The Four Season - Can't Take My Eyes Off You
22. George Benson - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
23. Shakin Stevens - Because I Love You
24. Linda Ronstadt ft. Aaron Neville - Don't Know Much
25. Lobo - I'd Love You To Want Me
26. Lobo - How Can I Tell Her
27. The Carpenters -  Close To You
28. The Carpenters - Yesterday Once More
29. Neon Trees - Everybody Talks
30. Neon Trees - Text Me In The Morning
31. Neon Trees - Sleeping With A Friend
32. Marie Digby - Miss Invisible
33. Jayesslee - Officially Missing You (Cover)
34. Sara Bareiles - Love Song
35. Sara Bareiles - King of Anything
36. Sara Bareiles - I Choose You
37. Sara Bareiles - Brave
38. Ingrid Michaelson - Sort Of
39. Mary Lambert - Secrets
40. Colbie Caillat - I do
41. Boys Like Girl ft Taylor Swift - Two Is Better Than One
42. Landon Pigg - Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
43. Landon Pigg, Lucy Schwartz - Darling I Do
44. Jamie Cullum - Mind Trick 
45. Bombay Bicycle Club - You Already Know
46. Matt Pond PA - Specks
47. Phosphorescent  - Nothing Was Stolen (Love Me Foolishly)
48. Train - Marry Me
49. K - Only Human (Ost. 1 Liter of Tears)
50. Kim Jeong Hoon - 君を守りたい (Kimi wo Mamoritai)
51. The Weepies - World Spins Madly On
52. Stars - Dead Hearts
53. Halsey - Colors
54. Dido - White Flag
55. Taylor Swift - Jump Then Fall
56. Taylor Swift - Hey Stephen
57. Taylor Swift - Today Was A Fairytale
58. Edith Piaf - La Vie en Rose
59. Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un m'a dit
60. Daniel Bedingfield - If You're Not The One

Jul 2, 2016

I believe that I likes a lot about 60's to 70's era and still don't know why. I was not even born at that time. I am 90's generation, FYI.

I think, back then in 60's to 70's are both produce a lot of good music, a good taste of style, a good movies. Still, I don't know much about that, but I know about The Beatles (My mom listen to some of their song, such as 'Hey Jude', 'Don't Let Me Down', 'I Want To Hold Your Hand', 'And I Love Her' -and 'Hey Jude' is her favorite one so far, which I like the most too.) I love The Beatles.

The Beatles

 I also know a little about Audrey Hepburn because I remember ever saw her in my mother's pile of old magazines.

Audrey Hepburn at 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'

And as I ever told before, I do love a movie and also novel titled 'Love Story' by Erich Segal which is published in 1970. And oh, I love so much about the way Jennifer Cavilleri dressed.



or this:

Ali MacGraw as Jenny Cavilleri in Love Story 1970

Oh, I just love this movie and novel so much!

By the way, doesn't it looks perfect? This style is never getting old fashioned. Even now in 2016, I believe this style is still accepted.

I don't know, I see that 60's and 70's style are catching my eyes. I am not a fashion people but I can say that 60's and 70's style is never dies; let's say 'cat eye', or 'bangs' or all the fashion material that Jenny Cavilleri wears above.

bangs and cat eye:

Pattie Boyd

In technology, I dream so much about having this:

and this:

I love those two classic item and dream a lot about having it even since I was too young to notice that those item are both 60's or 70's style.

I also love 80's era, and my favorite icon is absolutely 'Lady Diana'

Princess Diana

Another era that I like is now, in 2010's. I like how minimalism effect lifestyle and makeup and fashion, and how 50's to 2000's era is come back, blend together with modernism and minimalism and make the style is more modern but a bit classic and vintage. Monochrome are also 'in' again. In makeup section, I think in 2010's, neutral and nude make up is the new black, which I love.

Taylor Swift

Kendall Jenner

Gigi Hadid

P.S: Still, I don't know much about fashion for sure, but I love all era that I mention above. 

So, which era do you like the most?  :)
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