Jun 26, 2016

Are You Introvert or Extrovert One?

which one are you?

I identified myself as introvert one because I do feel like an introvert: I avoid eye contact with other people but strangely try so hard to make eye contact with puppies (I often talks to dog even I am not sure the dog know what am I talking about because they don't talk to me back, but, never mind, I still love them.). I love to have a me time as much as possible. I do love sleeping than going outside to hanging out. I love to being quiet but sometimes you can find me so chatty, especially, when I talking about something that I love or when I surrounded by people that I love.

I take a Buzzfeed quizzes to test what kind of introvert is myself in this link: Only Take This Quiz If You're an Introvert and find out that I am the mild introvert one. It says that mild introvert are tend to be introverted but have extroverted moment here and there. Mild introvert will be awkward in large social gathering but don't mind being in small groups of friend. First, I only takes this quiz for fun but end up believe it, because I think it suits myself.

Oke, before you go so far, and still don't have any idea what introvert or extrovert are, here is some differences between being introvert and extrovert:

1. Introvert is love enjoying me time with them self. Extrovert love enjoying their 'me time' hanging out, or going somewhere with other.

2. Introvert are good listener, and extrovert is a good talker. When introvert try to find some good topic to talk about, extrovert naturally have a bunch of that.

3. Introvert are to shy being the center of attention, but extrovert is love being the center of attention.

4. Introvert often cancelled appointment or plans, extrovert often making appointment. Introvert as I told before is often too shy even just to met their old friend. But extrovert in other hand is too crazy to met their old friend so they often makes appointment first.

5. Introvert is often have a problem socializing with other, and extrovert is the opposite. Introvert find them self struggling with making friend but extrovert is easily makes a new one here and there.

6. Introvert is feels easily drained when they are in social gathering, and to charge their energy, they love to fill it with a quality alone me time. Extrovert love being in social gathering and easily feel bored when they are alone.

But don't be too judgmental about these two different type. Introvert is not the saddest one and extrovert is not always the happiest one. Just because introvert are struggling when making friends, it doesn't mean that they don't have friends at all. Sometimes extrovert is also feels lonely but not because they hate being lonely, they hate to being alone sometimes. Yes, introvert and extrovert is quite different, but remember, they are both born unique :) Whatever you are, just be happy with it.

If you want to find out which type are you, you can take this quiz (that also I takes before). This quiz is from arealme.com. This quiz is not only help you to find out that you are introvert or extrovert, but you will find more deep explanation about your personality. This quiz is called MBTI or Myers–Briggs Type Indicator or 16 Personality Test which is quite accurate. Here is the link: 16 Personality Test

In MBTI test, I got INFP personality. So which one are you? :)

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